
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) has become the standard for providing company telephone access via the internet, however most clients still have an in house PBX phone system, or are managed by an expensive hosted (offsite) Telecom provider.

We have partnered with Monster VOIP to offer inexpensive and extensive telephone capability to our clients.

Our Hosted Phone system provides personalized fast setup, unlimited calling, month to month no contract programs, which will significantly reduce the client’s cost while providing 99.9% uptime.

Hosted Phone:

Get rid of your expensive legacy phone system and phone provider, and lower your costs with BOS.


Let your employees use their mobile phones and tablets, as if they are in the office. The new mobile technology becomes an extension of your company, making your employees significantly more productive.

Web Meetings:

The BOS VOIP phone system enables Web Meetings to be an efficient and simple part of your company’s collaboration and marketing program.